Friday, January 22, 2016

Punching It Up!

Punching It Up!
Today I am busy Punching Up my New 2016 Designs!
I am excited to release these Original Fresh and Fun Designs.
These New Designs feature Rabbits, Chickens, Sheep and Crows with a Twist Finished on Olde Bread Boards.
You will find a Fun ABC Design Mounted to an Olde Candle Box,
and a Sunny Beehive, Bees and Summer Flowers Mounted to our Popular Wood Bowl Cupboard.
Did I Mention our Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam Finished on an Olde Flag?
Those of you that subscribe to this BLOG will be the first to see and purchase these 1894 Cottonwood House Designs!
Keep Checking Back, I will Post each one as soon as they are Available for Sale!
Have a Great Stitching Day!


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