I love the look of WOOL and OLDE FEED SACKS!
This new Pattern was so fun to stitch!
Our Skinny Forlorn Scare-crow is joined by
a Rather Plump Crow!
Standing amongst the Corn Stalks and Pumpkins
he is stuffed with Straw!
The Straw is hanging Free for a more
3-Dimensional Look...
ALL Stitched onto an Olde Ragged Feed Sack.
I attached this Wool Appliqué to an Olde Stool.
Our Crow Broom Keeper is
stitched onto a Scrap of Feed Sack.
Gotta love that
Wool Pumpkin Pin Keep
Dusted in Cinnamon.
Pattern includes ALL THREE DESIGNS!
#291 Scare-Crow